Virtual Rally Tours

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on our education system, and schools are scrambling to try and adapt in every way possible.

With learners starting to return to school, the Rally to Read Programme is set to establishing individual Rally schools’ needs. In this way, Rally trainers will support the teachers and learners in order to help them complete the academic year.

Given the circumstances, we will not host Rallies in September; however, we are pleased to announce that there will be virtual Rally school tours in order to keep you appraised of schools’ progress. On the bright side, this means more people will be able to participate in the feedback process!

Without you, our faithful supporters, we wouldn’t be where we are, today. Your generosity has carried the Rally schools, and we know your heart is geared to keep on giving, even through these extraordinary times.

Over the years, Rally to Read has requested a fixed sum of money that covered the cost of the books and training support per school. In total, we would need just over R1 million per Rally province (R36 000 x 29 donors) to supply Rally schools with resources and training support per year.

We are now asking you for whatever amount you are able to give.

In order for us to support our Rally schools in a meaningful way through the COVID-19 aftermath, we’ve calculated that we would need to raise an absolute minimum of R350 000 per Rally province. (Naturally, reaching our target of R1 046 560 per Rally province, would still be first prize!)


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